Understanding SEO

Our world is constantly evolving and changing. We are moving towards a time where majority of our products and services are demanding an online presence due to the nature of our fast paced lives, and especially now after the Corona Virus pandemic, many businesses have either totally moved their presence online or increased their efforts to achieve a more engaging and attractive online presence.
What is SEO?
Businesses are increasingly applying SEO techniques to their websites to gain more potential customers. But what is SEO? SEO is Search Engine Optimization, a set of techniques and do’s and don’ts that after applying to a website increases the quality and the quantity of online traffic to that website.
What does SEO do?
SEO makes sure that the traffic being attracted to the website is relatable, i.e., if the website is about selling phones, it won’t do any good if it is being accessed by users who are looking for grocery. SEO ensures that the website is shown in search results for users wanting to buy phones.
Since, SEO ensures that the right users are clicking through the required search engine results; this increases the likelihood of an increased number of prospective buyers. It also accounts for the organic traffic that finds its way through to the desired websites. This is the unpaid traffic that comes from search engine results and do not involve ads.
How does SEO work?
Search engines have crawlers that are released when we type in our search words or phrases. These crawlers gather information about all the possible content lying on the internet. This data is then matched up with our query, and we then get a list of our required search results.
Websites also optimize their ‘searchability’ through effective content that includes proper tags, descriptions and links to create a seamless flow, in addition to aesthetically pleasing and grammatically correct online presence. These are done by SEO service providers such as https://www.dadkhah.dk/seo.